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Tenzin khando

My name is Tenzin Khando, I am a 2nd year graduate student at Milken

30 min
Tibetan, Hindi
Marvin Center 4th Floor

Service Description

My name is Tenzin Khando and I am a 2nd year graduate student at GW Milken Institute School of Public Health. I am a Tibetan by origin but I was born and raised in India. Hence this makes a trilingual. I am a registered nurse in India and my passion to dig deeper into the preventive aspect of health and understanding how policies play an essential role in addressing health disparities compelled me to pursue public health. Personally, coming here to the United States to pursue my graduate study had its fair share of challenges in terms of cultural challenges and academic challenges as well. Hence this is an opportunity to help my fellow cohort to navigate the school life smoothly. I am happy to help with both academic and non academic problems that we tend to face initially when we are adapting to a new environment and a new culture. Most importantly, I would like to be your buddy rather than a mentor.


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Washington, DC 20052

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